Field Notes

January - April 2024

Rains were plentiful between January and April with especially heavy rains in March. During these four months there were abundant resources, food, water and shade for all wildlife. During the rains many large flocks of Barn Swallows, Finches, Quelea, Carmine Bee-eaters and small groups of Eurasian Rollers were in the bull area. In the southern region of the bull area, vines with white, violet and pink flowers were abundant, creating a colorful carpet over the shrubs and grass. Hundreds of Butterflies, Crickets and Dragon Flies emerged in February and March. In April two Giraffes with newborn calves (section of the umbilical cord visible) were together at the base of Mzinga Hill.


Known bulls were absent from the hills southern bull area during January and February. In February Tweed (featured last year) was still in musth near Voi River west, traveling in a zig-zag pattern searching for estrus females. In March he was near the hills (in musth) sometimes alone but often with family groups. During February and March, Neon (photo right) spent his time along Voi Riverine west and central region with other bulls. Helix, Pewter, Cobalt, Crux, Flint, Pisces, Third, Ra, Wave and Sunray were all in the western bull area. During my many years of field work in Tsavo I’ve never seen a bird on a bull or female back. But, in February and March, for the first time, on several occasions one or two Fischer’s Starlings were perched on a bull’s back; seemingly not disturbing the bull.


Known families were absent from the hills area in January and February. Some of the families had moved northwest: Batik-Azalea, Teak and Dimond. Some families moved to Voi Riverine: Evergreen, Cresent-Nutmeg, Spring and Boscia. In March, several adult females placed vines over their head and neck, draped behind their ears while feeding on vines. I’ve seen this behavior many times with young elephants but not with adults. Maple (photo left), Chestnut and Parsley spent time in the western region before moving to the hills in late April. Heloise-Mango moved to the hills area in mid-March. Summer moved to the hills area in mid-April with a new calf (4-months). The grass was too tall to determine the sex of the calf.

May - Aug 2024

It rained in early May, but with the exception of a few days with showers it was dry in the southern hill area until mid-August. Aggregation of elephants, families and bulls together gathered for several days on the slope of Mzinga Hill. In amongst the elephants were large groups of Giraffe, Eland and Hartebeest. In mid-June the temperature dropped with very strong winds. Elephants flap their ears to regulate their temperature but during June and July, most elephants held their ears close to their shoulders with only an occasional flap. During the last five days of August, the temperature started rising and it rained several times per day. Some plants responded quickly by producing shoots.


Many bulls were in the southern bull area, during May and June. However, few were close enough to confirm identity except Swift and Rock, both have a broken ear and easy to spot in a large aggregation of 150 elephants on the Mzinga Hill slope. In July Third was at the base of a hill with Nutmeg, two adult females and their offspring. He appeared taller and larger since last year and he had broken his right tusk. Wind, (photo right) was in the central Voi Riverine area in March with four other bulls, all 30 to 40 years old. In early May he was in the southern bull area. He was alone on one day and during the next three days he was in large aggregations, with Swift and families: Summer, Batik and Azalea and Nutmeg.


During May and June many families were in the southern hills area where the vegetation was green and small pools retained water. As the grasses began to dry, they moved east to the Voi Riverine. Spring’s five-year-old male offspring had a distinct right ear; top folded forward. In April his left year is now folded forward. Spring is often with many different families: Batik-Azalea, Nutmeg-Summer, Parsley-Maple, but this year she was with several new families. Nutmeg (photo left) was within several large aggregation in May and June. In July she was in the western Voi Riverine area. During the dry season, July and August most families spend time along the Voi Riverine.